Posts Tagged rhubarb

Rhubarb Alone

By June, I’ve become dismissive of rhubarb – a feeling I hate to admit, because it means that in the span of a month, I’ve transformed from actively, and eagerly, seeking it out at the market, to haphazardly tacking it on at the end of my shopping list, well after strawberries.

Fresh from the Market: Rhubarb

I know I should have posted a "Fresh from the Market" on rhubarb before I shared the last two rhubarb recipes, but when thinking about baking versus writing, espeically with fresh rhubarb in the fridge, I had no choice but to bake first, and write later.

Adventures in Canning: Roasted Rhubarb Jam

I'm clearly on a rhubarb streak, as the last recipe I wrote about also features the stalky vegetable.

First of the Season Rhubarb Tarts

I learned last year that I don't have the tastebuds or palate to eat rhubarb as a main part of a savory dish, like in pasta or soup.

Adventures in Canning: Rhubarb Jam

I fear I may be too late on this post...but I'll share this recipe anyways, in case you spot some rhubarb at the market this weekend.

Make this as soon as you can!

I wanted to share this recipe as soon as possible, before it's too late to make it!

Rhubarb Tagliatelle

Rhubarb never overstays its welcome at the farmers market:  it shows up, people flock around the bins, and then it's gone.

Three Layers, Four Hours

Since I’ve weathered the storm—though my kitchen, even after cleaning for an hour last night is still in disarray—the recipe at the end of this post is my adapted take, with the steps in the order I think they should be.

A Simple Rhubarb Puree

As the farmers' markets continue their spring time unveiling, you can now find rhubarb at many of the stands.