May 05 2010
Hidden Personalities
One more post from our recent trip to the homestead (my parents' house)!
My parents live on 5 acres on the outskirts of a medium size town in Virginia. The land surrounding their home is beautiful, offering direct access to nature. It's always possible to grab 5 minutes of absolute, unadulterated peace just by sitting in the yard and reflecting on the surroundings.
On the flip side, being that alone is a slippery slope to loneliness, especially for a Brooklynite like myself. Growing up there, there were times when I sought the quiet and other times when I thought I'd go a bit crazy from the feelings of isolation that would creep in.
This past visit, I spent some time wandering the property. As I took a closer look at the many statues and figures that demarcate the untamed woods and the house, the personality within each inanimate figure was quickly revealed.