Besides a week-long stretch when I was sick and lay on the couch watching the entire first season of Grey’s Anatomy, The Great British Bake Off is the closest I’ve ever come to obsessively binge-watching a tv show.
Ever since returning from our October trip to Venice and Slovenia, I’ve been unable to stop baking.
If you walked into my kitchen one afternoon, the winter light reflecting off of cabinets and counters like a blue-ish laser beam, and saw this cake sitting on one of those counters, delicate and decadent, you might feel your shock crowding out your hunger.
Along with visiting the Haleakala Crater and driving The Road to Hana, I planned another must-do for our trip to Maui: eating as much banana bread as possible.
When I brought home six pints of strawberries, my vague ideas about what to do with them consisted mostly of what I didn't want to do with them.
I have a recipe binder that I'm slowly filling with interesting recipes I've clipped from magazines and newspapers.
I will humbly admit that I loved how my first cake came out.
Each time I write a Fresh from the Market product post, I'll follow that post with a recipe I've tested.
This past Fall, I acted like (some) people do before a big snowstorm and stocked up like I wouldn't be able to leave the apartment all winter.
This is actually a dish I was hoping to make the day before Thanksgiving, for all of us to munch on while we were cooking Thanksgiving dinner.
My favorite kind of baking doesn't involve icing cupcakes, decorating cookies, or layering a cake.
Last weekend I realized that it had been weeks since I had made anything fruit related.
I love the idea of cooking with tea and, in fact, own a different tea cookbook, Tea Cuisine.