"The advantage of industrialization is that you get consistency," Shaun Winter stated succinctly on a hot summer afternoon outside of The Fresh Pot in North Portland.
With the exception of that incredibly hard freezing snap that wreaked havoc on farms throughout Oregon, Portland’s winter has managed to cast itself as both mild and one of the driest in recorded history.
At the start of this year, I’d planned to put myself on a voluntary “sweets” hiatus, prompted by the same desires (cleansing, renewal, focus) most of us feel as we unwrap and hang new calendars and adjust to writing a new digit on letters and checks.
We stopped at People’s Coop several rainy Fridays ago, drawn to lower SE Portland with the idea of enjoying a smoothie from Sip before heading inside to re-fill a few bulk spice containers.
The ease I referenced in my last post has stayed with me in the kitchen this week.
After a nearly two year hiatus, I’m surprised to write that we’re once again CSA members.
If anyone had walked through my kitchen the Monday after Thanksgiving, they would have stopped in alarm.
I used to sporadically watch Jeopardy and my favorite segment was always the cringe-worthy question and answer sessions between Alex Trebek and the contestants.
This is a punchy winter salad destined to bump you out of any winter doldrums, for a brief moment at least.
I'm listing this meal as a weekday lunch, but that's not how I originally envisioned it.
I found many options, both online and in a few of my cookbooks, for my previously mentioned task of reviving acorn squash's reputation to be something I want to eat.
Each time I write a Fresh from the Market product post, I'll follow that post with a recipe I've tested.