Jan 10 2013
2012 Coffee: Stumptown is King
Total coffee bags prepared at home
52 bags
New York coffees before moving: 6, from Cafe Grumpy and Joe
Single bags from Roasters: Lexington, Batdorf and Bronson, Extracto, and Trailhead
Non-PDX coffee while living in PDX: 4 bags from San Francisco's Sightglass, courtesy of Barista
King Stumptown: 24 bags!
Portland Roasters other than Stumptown:
- Ristretto: 5 bags
- Heart: 4 bags
- Water Avenue: 3 bags
- Sterling Coffee: 2 bags
- Extracto: 1 bag
- Trailhead: 1 bag
Coffee Across the Globe:
- Ethiopia: 12 bags, including 3 Yirgacheffes
- Columbia: 10 bags
- Guatamala: 8 bags
- Panama: 5 bags (from two different estates)
- Costa Rica: 5 bags
- Burundi: 4 bags, all from Stumptown
- Peru: 2 bags, both from Stumptown
- Honduras: 2 bags
- Bolivia, Rwanda, Zambia, and El Salvador: 1 bag from each country
Least Caffeinated Months: February and October