At the start of this year, I’d planned to put myself on a voluntary “sweets” hiatus, prompted by the same desires (cleansing, renewal, focus) most of us feel as we unwrap and hang new calendars and adjust to writing a new digit on letters and checks.
I’m writing this post with my back to our dining room window, which is currently the main source of light in our house.
On Sunday, our neighbors invited us over to pick plums from their Italian plum tree.
We celebrated Easter by driving an hour south of Portland for a ten mile hike among nine waterfalls in Silver Falls State Park.
These pumpkin wedges capitalize on the remaining whole pumpkins you can still snag at the farmers' market or grocery store.
Sometimes I make a dish and realize that I'll never have to experiment with another version of the recipe again: the one I just made is the only one I need.
The most recent thief of my cooking motivation is the Fall time change.
When I make a satisfying and seasonal lunch (and have time to take a few pictures before devouring it!), I want to share the recipe with you because if you're anything like me, lunch can be a sore spot in your day.
All of these pictures were taken before that unexpected snowstorm we had on Saturday.
If you caught my recent post about Fleisher's you saw that after two years of vegetarianism, I've started to eat small amounts of meat again.
I'm intrigued by how certain recipes incorporate flavors in untraditional ways.
Do you think this looks like "the death star exploded" (Justin) or something "otherworldly and beautiful" (me)?
This past Fall, I acted like (some) people do before a big snowstorm and stocked up like I wouldn't be able to leave the apartment all winter.
A reflection on this year’s Thanksgiving dinner starts out in a nearly identical fashion to last year’s Thanksgiving dinner post: we’ve just moved; we want to cook Thanksgiving dinner because we love sourcing and cooking elaborate meals; we view Thanksgiving as a fitting celebration after an exhausting move.
My favorite kind of baking doesn't involve icing cupcakes, decorating cookies, or layering a cake.
A few Sundays ago, we were in the mood for a filling, warm, and frankly heavy Sunday dinner.
Highlights of our weekend trip, including what to see and where to stay, will be posted soon.
Last weekend I realized that it had been weeks since I had made anything fruit related.