Posts Tagged brooklyn

Final Images of New York

We're apparently gluttons for exhaustion, so in between bouts of endless packing, we had our last marathon Manhattan weekend, with energy provided by my visiting parents.

Coney Island on a Winter Saturday

I hesitate to use the term 'bucket list' for fear of accidentally linking myself with Jack Nicholson, but with a week or so remaining in Brooklyn, I have no choice but to create a mini-list of things to see before we leave for the West Coast.

Doorways, Stoops & Numbers

Working from home has its perks (hot chocolate breaks, cuddles with my cat, sweatshirts), but sometimes I just have to get out of the apartment.

Images of Fall

All of these pictures were taken before that unexpected snowstorm we had on Saturday.

Happy Halloween!

Considering we received 2 inches of snow on Saturday, today's weather is chillier than your typical Halloween.

Renting, Wishing Otherwise

I rented the Nikon 85mm 1.4 G for five days and have had an enormous amount of fun photographing with this incredible lens.

Bridge over the Canal

I frequently walk between Brooklyn's Park Slope and Carroll Gardens neighborhoods, either via Union Street or Carroll Street.

Shade & Company

My brother and sister-in-law were in town this week, visiting Brooklyn and New York for the first time in years.

A General Store for the 21st Century

I’ve noticed a common thread among the local artisans, farmers, and purveyors I most admire: they’ve each learned to accept, and even embrace, nuance and unpredictability without sacrificing the quality of their product.

Spot Metering at The Brooklyn Botanic Garden

For the past year I've relied almost entirely on matrix metering, with the occasional spot metering thrown in when I'm shooting food at home.

A Compost Block Party

Who likes to compost?

A Vegetarian Lunch: Rucola

I first learned about Rucola, the new Northern Italian restaurant in Boerum Hill, in an email several months ago.


I had planned this post for tomorrow, but today's weather makes it a necessity.

A Vegetarian Lunch: Bark

On one of our very first weekends in Brooklyn (back in November 2009!), we took the 3 train to Park Slope to explore.

Back in Season

This past Saturday felt like our first spring-like Saturday of the year.

A Vegetarian Lunch: Juventino

Before moving to Park Slope, I only knew about Get Fresh Table and Market from Top Chef Mark Simmons’ previous association with the restaurant.

Artisan Profile: Brooklyn Butcher Blocks

When Nils Wessell, the one-man woodworker/proprietor/owner of Brooklyn Butcher Blocks agreed to meet me at 'the pie shop', there was no confusion as to which pie shop he meant:  Gowanus’ Four and Twenty Blackbirds—THE pie shop, at least in our opinions.

Photography Exercise: 1/25/11

Thoughts: A wide aperture worked well when the camera was pointed away from the sky.

A Solution to a Nagging Problem

Last year, after several months of attempting to take our food scraps from Brooklyn to Union Square, we gave up.

A Vegetarian Lunch: Seersucker

Quick, what's the first word that comes into your head when you hear the phrase 'Southern food'?

Traveling Adventures

Getting home yesterday was not as calm and leisurely as expected.

Local Chocolate…and its Ice Cream spin off

Since moving to New York, I've become a bit preoccupied with chocolate.

Halloween in Brooklyn

No city does Halloween like New York and its boroughs.

I wish for a stoop

To sit on, to read on, and most importantly (in Brooklyn at least) to decorate for Halloween.

Frankies Eggplant Marinara

In full disclosure, I've yet to go to Frankies Spuntino or Prime Meats, though I have been to Café Pedlar numerous times (which should count for something by association!).

Photos from a Festive 4th

Temperatures climbed and kept climbing this past holiday weekend.

Decorative Onions?

For the past few weeks, flowers resembling fuzzy orbs have been popping up everywhere.

The Brooklyn Flea: Revisited

Late this past Fall, right after moving to New York, we wandered down to the Dumbo location of the Brooklyn Flea.

Brooklyn Bridge Park: Pier 1

The Brooklyn Bridge Park is a massive undertaking.

Spring at the Brooklyn Botanical Garden

One Girl Cookies: A Focus on Quality

One Girl Cookies is one of my favorite places in all of Brooklyn and just happened to be next on my round of cupcake reviews!

Snow in Brooklyn

After watching with increasing horror as the snow piled up in Washington, DC, where we used to live, we're finally getting our own taste of winter weather.